by richfranklin | Jan 6, 2022 | Mindset/Motivation |
New year, new beginnings. I trust that you already have your resolutions and goals planned for the year. Although the new year brings hope and promise, that spirit of optimism will only linger for so long. Let’s face it. Even with all the positive thinking, many of us...
by richfranklin | Dec 23, 2021 | Mindset/Motivation |
Confidence is not just a feeling. Confidence can be many things and often, it can take different forms. The way you act, speak and behave are all expressions of confidence. Since they are mostly routine, many of these actions occur at your subconscious. There are...
by richfranklin | Dec 16, 2021 | Mindset/Motivation |
Thanks to the abundance of happy people seemingly living exuberant lives on social media, being alone can feel frighteningly alienating. We humans are social creatures after all. Studies have often found that the happiest people are those with the most fulfilling...
by richfranklin | Nov 12, 2021 | Mindset/Motivation |
There is no question that any kind of success involves good habits and routines. But are some habits more important than others? If the past thirty odd years of my life are anything to go by, my answer would be a decisive yes. I instilled certain small yet key habits...
by richfranklin | Oct 7, 2021 | Mindset/Motivation |
Deep breathing is more than just a matter of survival, according to Wim Hof. Pretty strange, coming from an extreme athlete who first set the world record for the longest swim under ice. Yet Hof speaks the truth. Though nothing like his other accomplishments, Wim Hof...
by richfranklin | Aug 13, 2021 | Mindset/Motivation |
When faced with uncertainty, especially in the constantly changing business world, rely on your internal compass instead of a roadmap to guide you. Crisis and uncertainty should not be seen solely as problems, but as obstacles to greater opportunities. The goal is to...